March 18th in African American History – Dana Elaine Owens (Queen Latifah)

Dana Elaine Owens (Queen Latifah)March 18, 1970 Dana Elaine Owens (Queen Latifah), rapper, singer and actress, was born in Newark, New Jersey.

Latifah started rapping in 1987 with the group Ladies Fresh and released her first album, “All Hail the Queen,” in 1989. Other rap albums include “Nature of a Sista” (1991) and “Order in the Court” (1998). In 1995, Latifah won the Grammy Award for Best Rap Solo Performance for “U.N.I.T.Y.” In 2004, she released an album of jazz standards, “The Dana Owens Album,” and in 2007 she released “Trav’lin Light.” Latifah began her film career in 1991, appearing in “House Party 2”, “Juice” and “Jungle Fever.” Subsequent films include “Set It Off” (1996), “Living Out Loud” (1998), and “The Bone Collector” (1999).

In 1999, Latifah published her autobiography, “Ladies First: Revelations of a Strong Woman.” In 2002, Latifah was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in the musical “Chicago.” In 2007, she appeared in the television film “Life Support,” which garnered her a Golden Globe Award, Screen Actors Guild Award, and an Emmy Award nomination.

Latifah represents her own line of cosmetics for women of color, the CoverGirl Queen Collection, and she is co-chairperson of the Owens Scholarship Foundation which provides assistance to academically gifted but financially underprivileged students.

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