November 6th in African American History – Barack Obama Wins Re-election for President

November 6, 2012 Barack Obama has successfully been re-elected for another 4 year term as the 44th President of the United States of America.  When he originally ran in 2008, his platform united voters of different races, ages, and lifestyles with the promise of hope and change.  He energized the young vote while giving voters an escape from the slumping economy and rising costs of war brought on by previous administrations. The idea of the First Black President was exciting to witness and be a part of.

In the 2012 race, he had a worthy opponent in Mitt Romney and needed to stand on his track record of Presidential decisions and his forward moving agenda.  Building on Hope and Change, his 2012 campaign slogan was “Forward”, hoping to capitalize on his track record and continue the momentum he started in 2008. The 2012 race was expensive as each party spent close to a billion dollars, and polls kept both candidates close until the very end.  The news media was prepared for a lengthy wait to discover who won.  With lengthy lines to vote and early voter turnout hitting record levels, this 2012 Presidential race was one for the record books.

The people have voted and given President Obama a chance to make real change.  The next four years will determine his legacy as President and even in his acceptance speech he has already laid out a couple of target issues to start working on.  “Tonight you voted for action, not politics as usual….I am looking forward to reaching out and working with leaders of both parties to meet the challenges we can only solve together.  Reducing our deficit.  Reforming our tax code. Fixing our immigration system.  Freeing ourselves from foreign oil.” These words from his acceptance speech in the early morning on November 7, 2012 when enough polls results revealed his victory.

President Obama has already shown leadership through difficult decisions concerning healthcare, the auto industry, the collapse of the US banks and foreign policy.  His next term will ultimately leave the lasting impression.

Voters have commented in multiple polls that change is needed, jobs are needed and a balanced budget is crucial.  In order for President Obama to succeed, he will need to reach across party lines and find compromise as the Senate remains slightly Democratic and House maintains a Republican majority.

The voter distribution by race shows incredible segregation.  Over 90% of African American voters, 73% of Asians and 71% of Latino voters chose the President, while Mit Romney won 61% of the white vote.  Voters came to the polls in great numbers to make their voices heard often waiting in lines 3-4 hours.  The Republican Party will certainly be revisiting their demographic strategies as more than 89% of Mit Romney’s votes came from whites.  This entire demographic split only goes to show the work that President Obama has ahead of him to unite the country and address the needs of all citizens across races, age groups and financial classes.

On January 20, 2013, Barack Obama will be inaugurated as the First African American President to serve 2 terms in office.  He will also make history as the third consecutive two-term president since Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe.

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